The Gazechim group wishes you a Happy holiday season.

News & Media
Best wishes from Gazechim Group & Gazechim Composites UK !
JEC WORLD 3-5 March 2020, Villepinte.
From March 3 to 5, 2020 will be held the JEC World 2019 in Paris Nord Villepinte.
As a global exhibition dedicated to composites, the JEC is an institution to which the Gazechim Composites Group participates each year. From raw materials to processors and end-users, JEC World attracts nearly 40,000 professionals looking for innovation, new partners and insights into the future of their industry.
Find all Gazechim Composites Group subsidiaries from March 3 to 5, 2020, Hall 5, Booth # J27
United Kingdom, June, 13rd 2019 - After several years of collaboration between Gazechim Composites and Nouryon the two entities have decided to strengthen their partnership in Europe.
Gazechim Composites will distribute Nouryon’s complete portfolio of organic peroxides and auxiliaries for the thermoset business in United Kingdom & Ireland but also in France & Italy.
Besides working together in technical and safety support for customers, Gazechim and Nouryon experts will also jointly develop new projects and commercial opportunities.
"Our partnership with Nouryon strengthens our European position in the thermoset market and opens up new opportunities," said Jean-Marc Libes, Business Manager.
To discover our press release click here
Advanced Engineering is the UK’s largest annual exhibition for OEMs and top tier suppliers, and tech innovators to meet and do business across all areas of the advanced engineering supply chain.
This trade exhibition now in its 11nd year is held in the NEC annually in November and brings over 600 engineering supply chain partners. As well as 15,000 engineers, procurement and management from OEMs and higher tier companies all looking to source, specify and invest in the latest products and take a look at the latest innovations in the industry.
Participating subsidiarie : Gazechim Composites UK
Since few years, Groupe Gazechim Composites participates to JEC WORLD Exhibition in Paris.
During 3 days, european subsidiaries of Groupe Gazechim Composites were on the booth to discuss, exchange & meet their customers, suppliers & partners.
We wished to share with you the video of JEC WORLD 2019. Click below to discover the video:
Advanced Engineering is the UK’s largest annual exhibition for OEMs and top tier suppliers, and tech innovators to meet and do business across all areas of the advanced engineering supply chain.
This trade exhibition now in its 10th year is held in the NEC annually in November and brings over 600 engineering supply chain partners. As well as 15,000 engineers, procurement and management from OEMs and higher tier companies all looking to source, specify and invest in the latest products and take a look at the latest innovations in the industry.
Join Gazechim Composites UK from October, 31st to November, 1st on booth #P93
From 6 to 8 March 2018 we participated in JEC World in Paris Villepinte. During 3 days teams of Groupe Gazechim Composites were attending on booth J27 - Hall 5A to meet & exchange with different market actors.
An opportunity to be visible on European markets with our main suppliers as Hexcel, Owens Corning & Chomarat.
We invite you to join us next year for a new edition!
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